Power Animal Challenge Engaged!

Dear world, it has been a long time. The Illustration Timers have been on something of a sabbatical with the holidays, and sickness, and general busyness…we have neglected you!

But no more I say, no more!

A new challenge is here. And it is a simple one.

Power Animal : Fox

Power Animal : Fox

This challenge is to illustrate ones power animal. A power animal is an animal you find similarity with, you should have some definite characteristic meshing for your animal to really be your animal. You can’t simply say “I’m a Liger”, that’s not good enough. You need to say why.

So the guidelines :

Pick a power animal that is likened to you in some way.

It must be a real animal. No Ligers. No Gandalfs. No Dragons named Smaug.

You must provide an explanation as to why you chose the power animal you did.


That’s it! Now get out there and do it!


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