Power Animal Challenge Engaged!

Dear world, it has been a long time. The Illustration Timers have been on something of a sabbatical with the holidays, and sickness, and general busyness…we have neglected you!

But no more I say, no more!

A new challenge is here. And it is a simple one.

Power Animal : Fox

Power Animal : Fox

This challenge is to illustrate ones power animal. A power animal is an animal you find similarity with, you should have some definite characteristic meshing for your animal to really be your animal. You can’t simply say “I’m a Liger”, that’s not good enough. You need to say why.

So the guidelines :

Pick a power animal that is likened to you in some way.

It must be a real animal. No Ligers. No Gandalfs. No Dragons named Smaug.

You must provide an explanation as to why you chose the power animal you did.


That’s it! Now get out there and do it!


New Challenge : Star Wars…Secret Santa?

Hi friends. I know it’s been a while but we have been super duper busy at workies and unable to commit as much time to our challenges as usual. But fear not. A big project is out the door Friday which will allow us to be far more attentive Illustration Time.

I did however want to let you know that the next challenge is one of great awesomeness that I think you will all enjoy.

For our next challenge the six participating artists names were put in a hat, a computer hat, and random selection took place much like a secret santa drawing. The person an artist got is the person they must illustrate as a Star Wars character!

Awesome I know. Though I can’t take credit for coming up with the challenge, that was all Jess’s genius. 🙂

So stay tuned for the great unveiling!!!!

And may the force be with you…..


Dino Challenge Recap and Landscape Challenge!

Just needed to recap here and show all of our fine work together in one post. They all kind of trickled in, as we all have full lives and are sometimes limited in the “play time” it takes to finish our challenge pieces.

We all had fun doing it, and yes the idea was taken to some interesting places. As I am sure our next challenge will also manifest in lots of different interpretations.

The new challenge is landscapes and the landscape must have at least one tree in it.

This might be tricky, for me at least, because I have so little experience in illustrating scapes of any kind. So it will definitely be a challenge!

Stay tuned!



By McCoy Khamphouy, ©2013


By Josh Workman, ©2013


By Terry Workman, ©2013


Dinosaur pow wow

Dinosaur pow wow, By A. Adelle, ©2013

You Feelin' Lucky, Punk? ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

You Feelin’ Lucky, Punk? ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

Ride 'em Dinos, By Joe Kramer, ©2013

Ride ’em Dinos, By Joe Kramer, ©2013

This Weeks Challenge : Cowboys and Dinosaurs

This is the announcement for this weeks challenge! Drum roll please……

Cowboys and Dinosaurs!

This challenge was chosen by our very own Terry and was inspired by the first grown-up film he saw as a child. The Valley of Gwangi!

While I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing this film I can definitely understand it’s appeal. And we all agree that if they can make a movie about cowboys vs. aliens, they can certainly do one about cowboys vs. dinosaurs. 🙂
