Power Animal : Tiger : Guest Artist James Tingley!

My super talented friend James did an awesome piece for our challenge. Check it out!
I took the term “power animal” a bit differently than just an animal I share characteristics with. Maybe that’s because I really couldn’t think of any. However, the first image that came to mind after reading this illustration challenge was that of the great cat of the grasslands, the tiger. I feel that a power animal can be something to draw strength and inspiration from. Anytime the world has you feeling caged up, you can reach down to that primal self. That part of you that hunts and survives. I picture that part of me with claws, black stripes and wild eyes.



The challenge up on Illustration Time is for us all to illustrate our power animals. And while I like to think of myself as something of a grizzly bear due to certain personal characteristics mainly revolving around my rather ursine attitudes, if I am being honest with myself I am a coyote to my core.

Coyote’s have always held a strange fascination over me. The ghost in the woods, the gray dawn, the illusive sneak thief. They are beautiful and mysterious, and at the same time strange. They mate for life, hunt as a loner, and only get insanely violent when cornered and left with no other choice but to attack and kill. At all other times they are avoidant when it comes to people and even other animals.

I have always felt a very strong connection to animals and the more superstitious part of my being regards them as omens hailing change. I’ve only ever seen one in the wild, and its beauty, its strangeness has locked the memory in place forever it seems.

So there’s that. I am a coyote. Because I am a loner, a non-aggressive till challenged and at times rather mysterious I suppose. Can’t say I’m completely satisfied with this. And I don’t know why I have to do everything in blue…the next one will be in pink, I swear. ;)

I also write bad poetry from time to time. I always post it as it’s written in the journal, hence the terrible hand and the scratched out words. 😉  ————>


Movie Poster – The Boondock Saints

'The Boondock Saints' Movie Poster

‘The Boondock Saints’ Movie Poster by Koifish

Here’s my movie poster!  Sorry it took so long, just having myself somePhotoshop issues.  If you haven’t seen this movie before, it’s on Netflix so go give it a watch!  It’s a bit violent, but it’s a cult classic so even if you don’t end up liking it at least you can add to your list of pop culture references.

The movie is about two brothers, fraternal twins named Connor and Murphy McManus who, by happenstance, end up becoming hit men that selectively kill mobsters, lowlifes, and other bad guys.  There’s also this awesome family prayerthey recite at every hit, which I incorporated into the background of the poster:

Nosferatu Cryptid!

Count Orlok is a vampire! And thusly a perfect fit for our cryptid challenge.

This excellent little piece is done by Karen : http://winterfoxes.wordpress.com/

I don’t know about you guys but it sure is refreshing to see some non-digital media being used. Maybe that should be a challenge in the near future!

Be sure to check out Karen’s website for more of her illustration work. 🙂

Nosferatu : Winter Foxes

Nosferatu : Winter Foxes

Cryptid Challenge – Phaya Naga


Phaya Naga by Koifish

Hey everyone!  So this is my REAL cryptid.  The Shorse is supposed to be a joke.  I hope you guys laughed because that thing was a little ridiculous.  Anyhoo, my original choice was this guy, the Phaya Naga:

The Phaya Naga, or Water Dragons, are mythical serpent-like creatures resembling cobras believed by locals to live in the Laotian stretch of the Mekong River or estuaries. People in both Laos and Thailand attribute the Naga fireballs to these creatures. In Malaysia, Nagas are a type of dragon with many heads; in Thailand and Java, the Naga is a wealthy underworld deity. In Laos they are beaked water serpents. People in Thailand see it as a holy creature and worship it in the temple.

-Phil Payette, It’s Haunted

So I have this whole schtick on my blog about why this creature is so significant to me.  You can go there and read it if you’d like to know more about me in particular.  If not, that’s cool.  It’s a free country.  Actually based on the blog stats, some of you aren’t state-side so…I guess you’re all free to do whatever you’d like as well.

Woot!  Good night!


Cryptid Challenge: The Majestic and Terrifying Shorse

Good evening art enthusiasts and artists alike.  Well, you know, greetings to everyone who frequents the blog in general.  Koifish here posting this doozy of a cryptid:


The Majestic and Terrifying Shorse by Koifish

The Aboriginal natives of the Australia tell legends of a powerful and dangerous creature that prowls both the water and the land.  With its razor-like teeth, the creature has the ability to tear apart the flesh of local farm animals, leaving nothing but rotting carcasses in its wake.  Its terrifying body is that of a shark, but its majestic legs are of a horse.  In the Aboriginal language it is called Nendo Dadawany (Horse Shark).  Cryptozoologists have taken to calling it the Shorse.

Excerpt from Dr. Hans Hansen’s book Shorse: Legend or Threat?

From what I’m aware, the Shorse is one of several Shark hybrids that roam the Australian coasts.  Tracks are generally found near water, so it seems like they don’t travel too far inland.  SCARY!

Disclaimer: All of this is totally made up.  Dr. Hansen has been dead for years…But seriously.

Gozer : Cryptid Challenge

Gozer the Gozerian was a god worshiped in 6000 BC by various primitive cultures including the Hitites and Sumerians. It was an androgynous, sexless being capable of assuming whatever form it desired. Gozer was possessed of many aliases throughout the centuries, including Gozer the Destructor and Gozer the Traveller. A modern-day worshipper of Gozer, one Ivo Shandor, conducted rituals on the rooftop of a building located in New York City sometime after World War I, with the intent of bringing Gozer forth into the human realm to destroy it. Gozer had two faithful minions/pets, the Terror Dogs Zuul and Vinz Clortho, whose union in the bodies of chosen human hosts was to be the tool by which the gateway to the spirit realm would open, allowing Gozer to appear.

~Ghostbusters Wiki

Illustration By A. Adelle

Illustration By A. Adelle

Moody Mountains : Landscape Challenge

I have just now put the final touches on my challenge piece, which this week was landscape. I was inspired by a fellow artist to do something hobbit-y. But it comes from a deeper desire to generate a 26 card set of Lord of the Rings related ABC flash cards! How rad would that be! M is for Mordor. O is for Orc. And so on.

Maybe I will get to it someday ;)

This is supposed to be Bilbo contemplating his journey to the Misty Mountain. But those mountains look rather moody do they not?

Haha, there is a mountain in there that oddly enough reminds me of Lumpy Space Princess, what the heck! Teehee :)

Moody Mountains : A. Adelle

Moody Mountains : A. Adelle