Stolen Identity

Stolen Identity, by Brandon A. Miltgen

Stolen Identity (Unofficial Tron Fan Art), by Brandon A. Miltgen, 2013

Tron made a huge impact on me as a kid. My dad showed my bro and I the movie, we had the glow-in-the-dark action figures (made of colored, clear plastic mind you), and we even listened to the vinyl record of Wendy Carlos‘ score for the film (I still listen to it). It’s more than nostalgia to me—it even influences my design work today. Something about the simplicity of shape, line, and color used in that movie has kind of seeped into a lot of the art I’ve made over the years. And when I listen to that soundtrack (or the Daft Punk follow up from 2012, also amazing) I feel like I’m on the grid while I do my design work—it enhances reality for me. So this is my ode to Tron—a fighting program who just caught someone else’s identity disc (a play on the whole identity theft idea). It kind of hints at the truth behind the yin-yang too—we all hold close to our hearts a way of being, but there’s always the opposite color of choice flying at us, ready to be caught. Happy Friday.

If you really want to geek out the way I do when I work on things like this, play the music link below as you view my piece. There’s often a sound-scape fueling my creativity as I lay down my shapes and pull vectors.

New Challenge : Star Wars…Secret Santa?

Hi friends. I know it’s been a while but we have been super duper busy at workies and unable to commit as much time to our challenges as usual. But fear not. A big project is out the door Friday which will allow us to be far more attentive Illustration Time.

I did however want to let you know that the next challenge is one of great awesomeness that I think you will all enjoy.

For our next challenge the six participating artists names were put in a hat, a computer hat, and random selection took place much like a secret santa drawing. The person an artist got is the person they must illustrate as a Star Wars character!

Awesome I know. Though I can’t take credit for coming up with the challenge, that was all Jess’s genius. 🙂

So stay tuned for the great unveiling!!!!

And may the force be with you…..


Mermaid Challenge!

Hey everybody Adrianne here. I am one of the contributing artists here at Illustration Time. Last weeks challenge as you may recall was my pick, and I picked Mermaids. I’ve always had a mild obsession with mermaids and I suppose I just really wanted to see what everyone could come up with. I think they came out great! And so different! Take a look, and be sure to watch for future challenges!

Koi's warrior princess mermaid!

Koi’s warrior princess mermaid!


Brandons shark ridin’ little lady mermaid

Mermaid chic

My moody broody ladyfish


Terrys not so terrifying fiji mermaid


Joe’s beauty conscious mer-gal


Jessica’s adorable mermaid and her fishy companion


Guest artist Marc Scaturro’s more literal interpretation of mer-maid!