Ewok Triumph


Ewok Triumph, by Terry Workman

The Star Wars entries are still trickling in (we’re still über busy at work). We just got Terry’s entry—an ewok Secret Santa effort with McCoy as the subject! Super and hilarious job, Terry 😉 More entries yet to come!


Savage Sister

Savage Sister (Fan Art), ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

Savage Sister (Unofficial Fan Art), ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

Brando here with some more fan art, this time for a musical group I’ve been digging. Here at the ‘Zone we have a lot of different talents hanging out in-house. Our newest edition happens to play bass in a band called Savage Sister. After sampling their sounds, my wife and I immediately bought their album last weekend. They classify their sound as “dream pop/shoegaze/dreamwave” and I have to say it’s some sweet sound. You should check them out. Their mascot is an unassuming girl with a war bonnet and goggles (shown below). I took her and passed her through the Brandon-filter as a tribute. Hope you like it, Savage Sister 🙂


Harried Guardian


Harried Guardian, by Brandon A. Miltgen, 2013

When we all put our names into the digital hat, Terry was the name given back to me. I was so excited that I blurted out, “Sweet! I got Terry!” Then Adrianne scolded me for letting the cat out of the bag. It was supposed to be a Secret Santa challenge after all. Oops. Anyway, I’m proud to share my drawing of the amazing Terry with you all. He sits right across from me every day, drawing away. He’s a family man with a wife and two kids, and besides being a super-talented illustrator, he’s also a very classy, stand-up guy.

The symbolism for this piece is pretty simple. The three moons represent Terry’s family, over whom he has guardianship. This Jedi master is calm and stoic in the face of whatever threat blasts his way. I don’t know if the laser blasts represent temptation in general or the massive deadline demands we’ve all been experiencing at work lately, but either way it’s fitting—a good Jedi guardian has to keep it together no matter what comes at him!
Terry was kind enough to provide me with some fun reference for the piece. Below you can see a comparison of his mug with my illustration effort. Hope you like it, Terry! By next Friday all of the Star Wars pics will be revealed… 😉
