Eye of the Tiger

Eye of the Tiger, by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

Eye of the Tiger, by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

While I was working up Ding. Ding. my sweet wife said something like, “If you get to be a boxer, what do I get to be?” She followed that up a little later with the sentiment, “I want to be a tigress.” My sweet wife is surely one hot tigress. Not just for my attraction to her, she keeps our home working, our kids alive, and my sanity intact—she’s basically a super hero, with the eye of the tiger. So this is a companion piece to go with my self portrait. Tomorrow we welcome our 4th baby into the world. She’s ready for it with super-heroic intensity as usual. Love you, honey!

Images by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

Images ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

Ding. Ding.

Ding. Ding. by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

Ding. Ding. by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

I found out a little late that November 1st was Self Portrait Day. It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn a picture that’s an obvious attempt at me. I’m no boxer (although I loved my martial arts studies as a younger man), but this is an expression of some big ticket happenings about to explode onto my scene. My wife and I are expecting our 4th baby this Friday (lil’ Jack Fable is on his way), hence the “Round 4.” The scripture is a slightly modified sentiment from the Book of Mormon—about being able to handle the crazy mess of life with one’s faith firm in Christ. Being a good dad is a challenge indeed. You have to be on your game, because there’s a lot to distract one away from what’s most important in life these days. The “Ding. Ding.” is a reference to Apollo Creed from the Rocky films, expressing that I’m up for it and in it to win it. Daddy life can be tough business (if you’re doing it right), but it’s so very worth it, and very often it’s a hoot. The dividends of love that you get from all of the work involved are a wonderful investment, not only in your kids but yourself too—it’s the best training for your spirit that you can get. This post may be a little personal, but hey, it’s a self-portrait.

Star Wars Challenge Recap

Well, finally they are all done. Our Star Wars portraits of each other are complete. And they look great! We have quite a few jedi, some sith lords and even an ewok. To tell you the truth we all had alot of fun with these.

Take a look at all the hard work that went into these. 😉


Brandon’s portrait of Terry


McCoy’s Portrait of Joe

darth brawl

My (A. Adelle) portrait of Brandon


Jesica’s portrait of me (A. Adelle)


Terry’s portrait of McCoy

SZ-SW Challenge

Joe’s portrait of Jessica

Star Wars Challenge : Darth Brawl

Just finished this challenge! As you know for this Star Wars challenge all got a name of someone and secretly were able to work on a piece for them illustrating them as a Star Wars character.

It really turned out to be a lot of fun, and I realize this isn’t my normal style but it was a new learning experience.

Brandon guessed it from the start he knew I had him. Hahaha. He is the sweetest guy, very kind and brotherly. Inside he is like a youthful Yoda, but I know he likes Darth Maul very much. So I decided to illustrate him as Darth Brawl!!! Scourge of the galaxy.

He really is great. And not at all scary. ;)

darth brawl

Reference Image

Reference Image

New Challenge : Star Wars…Secret Santa?

Hi friends. I know it’s been a while but we have been super duper busy at workies and unable to commit as much time to our challenges as usual. But fear not. A big project is out the door Friday which will allow us to be far more attentive Illustration Time.

I did however want to let you know that the next challenge is one of great awesomeness that I think you will all enjoy.

For our next challenge the six participating artists names were put in a hat, a computer hat, and random selection took place much like a secret santa drawing. The person an artist got is the person they must illustrate as a Star Wars character!

Awesome I know. Though I can’t take credit for coming up with the challenge, that was all Jess’s genius. 🙂

So stay tuned for the great unveiling!!!!

And may the force be with you…..


Dino Challenge Recap and Landscape Challenge!

Just needed to recap here and show all of our fine work together in one post. They all kind of trickled in, as we all have full lives and are sometimes limited in the “play time” it takes to finish our challenge pieces.

We all had fun doing it, and yes the idea was taken to some interesting places. As I am sure our next challenge will also manifest in lots of different interpretations.

The new challenge is landscapes and the landscape must have at least one tree in it.

This might be tricky, for me at least, because I have so little experience in illustrating scapes of any kind. So it will definitely be a challenge!

Stay tuned!



By McCoy Khamphouy, ©2013


By Josh Workman, ©2013


By Terry Workman, ©2013


Dinosaur pow wow

Dinosaur pow wow, By A. Adelle, ©2013

You Feelin' Lucky, Punk? ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

You Feelin’ Lucky, Punk? ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

Ride 'em Dinos, By Joe Kramer, ©2013

Ride ’em Dinos, By Joe Kramer, ©2013