Challenge Announcement: Montage Movie Poster

We’re giving ourselves a little bit more time to complete this one, since it’s an ambitious challenge: a montage movie poster (so expect to see the entrant efforts to start coming in a few weeks from now). The only requirements are 1) that each piece somehow display more than one character, and 2) the poster should incorporate the logotype for the title of the movie. It can be fan art for a favorite film, or the movie can be something completely original by the artist.

The reason I’m choosing this for our new challenge is a) to challenge us creatively, and b) because my favorite place to dwell illustratively is on the line between illustration and design. This type of project fuses the two disciplines in a way that will force careful compositional planning while inviting engaging figure work. Here are some stunning examples of movie posters that I like to grab your attention about this cool type of art:

Aliens (Poster Art) by Ken Taylor for Mondo

The Little Mermaid (Poster Art) by Tom Whalen for Mondo

Iron Man 3 (Poster Art) by Martin Ansin for Mondo

Conan the Barbarian (Poster Art) by Jason Edmiston for Mondo

As you can see, I’m a huge fan of Mondo and the work their artists produce. If you check out their site archive you’ll find countless ways that those artists have created gorgeous designs and illustrations to celebrate some cool movies. Some are iconic in simplicity, others are near baffling in complexity. Challenge on!