Star Wars Challenge Recap

Well, finally they are all done. Our Star Wars portraits of each other are complete. And they look great! We have quite a few jedi, some sith lords and even an ewok. To tell you the truth we all had alot of fun with these.

Take a look at all the hard work that went into these. 😉


Brandon’s portrait of Terry


McCoy’s Portrait of Joe

darth brawl

My (A. Adelle) portrait of Brandon


Jesica’s portrait of me (A. Adelle)


Terry’s portrait of McCoy

SZ-SW Challenge

Joe’s portrait of Jessica

New Challenge : Star Wars…Secret Santa?

Hi friends. I know it’s been a while but we have been super duper busy at workies and unable to commit as much time to our challenges as usual. But fear not. A big project is out the door Friday which will allow us to be far more attentive Illustration Time.

I did however want to let you know that the next challenge is one of great awesomeness that I think you will all enjoy.

For our next challenge the six participating artists names were put in a hat, a computer hat, and random selection took place much like a secret santa drawing. The person an artist got is the person they must illustrate as a Star Wars character!

Awesome I know. Though I can’t take credit for coming up with the challenge, that was all Jess’s genius. 🙂

So stay tuned for the great unveiling!!!!

And may the force be with you…..
