Glass Peacock

Glass Peacock, by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

Glass Peacock, by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

There’s a track on Savage Sister‘s self-titled album called Glass Peacock. The title of the song (as well as their awesome sound) inspired me to make this piece. But as I delved further into creating it, I found some deeper meaning. If you head on over to my personal blog, Drawing Faith (click here), you can read about the fuller symbolism of it and see the process that went into making the artwork (I threw down a color variant there for it as well). Below is a link to the song for all you art appreciators who dig listening while looking:

Savage Sister

Savage Sister (Fan Art), ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

Savage Sister (Unofficial Fan Art), ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen

Brando here with some more fan art, this time for a musical group I’ve been digging. Here at the ‘Zone we have a lot of different talents hanging out in-house. Our newest edition happens to play bass in a band called Savage Sister. After sampling their sounds, my wife and I immediately bought their album last weekend. They classify their sound as “dream pop/shoegaze/dreamwave” and I have to say it’s some sweet sound. You should check them out. Their mascot is an unassuming girl with a war bonnet and goggles (shown below). I took her and passed her through the Brandon-filter as a tribute. Hope you like it, Savage Sister 🙂