Eye of the Tiger

Eye of the Tiger, by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

Eye of the Tiger, by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

While I was working up Ding. Ding. my sweet wife said something like, “If you get to be a boxer, what do I get to be?” She followed that up a little later with the sentiment, “I want to be a tigress.” My sweet wife is surely one hot tigress. Not just for my attraction to her, she keeps our home working, our kids alive, and my sanity intact—she’s basically a super hero, with the eye of the tiger. So this is a companion piece to go with my self portrait. Tomorrow we welcome our 4th baby into the world. She’s ready for it with super-heroic intensity as usual. Love you, honey!

Images by Brandon A. Miltgen, ©2013

Images ©2013 Brandon A. Miltgen